draft for blog

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog Five

The Allegory Cave tells us about two men named Socrates and Glaucon. Socrates found prisoners in a den. Socrates begins to explain to Glaucon the strange image; he mentions how the fire that’s in the cave reflects the shadows of what these prisoners are doing. Socrates explains how these prisoners were never allowed to see anything but the shadows and he wonders whether these prisoners were curious about their shadows speaking. Furthermore Socrates explains how and when these prisoners come out the negative or positive effect they would take. Questioning their reality, Socrates wonders if they would be brave enough to face the day or to run away from all they lived in. He conjures up many ideas on how these prisoners would react to being emancipated meanwhile Glaucon reassures him of his ideas. In the end Socrates explain to all he has been saying were his beliefs, being afraid that if he told this allegory to anyone else that they would be frightened.

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